George Whitefield College (GWC) is an accredited theological college based in Cape Town, South Africa, with a mission to shape minds via a classical theological education, nurture hearts devoted to service and train voices to effectively communicate the word of Christ.

Their vision is “That Africa be filled with preachers and teachers who deeply love the Lord Jesus and who have a profound understanding of Scripture, in order that Africa may increase its share in the Kingdom of God.”

The church in Africa is growing and they need trained teachers of God’s Word. Teachers who are capable of understanding, preaching and teaching the Gospel. George Whitefield College exists to provide high quality tertiary level education and training for Christian life and ministry.

To this end, the GWC programme aims to deepen student understanding of the message of the Bible as a whole, to develop their capacity to relate to the many complex situations of modern life, and to minister the Biblical message to a needy world. This is accomplished by educating people in the principles of Christian knowledge and related fields and by training people for Christian life and ministry with an emphasis on teaching the Word of God.

GWC offers engaging programmes in Theology, the core subjects being Doctrine, Biblical Languages, Church History and Biblical Theology. One of the distinctive features of GWC is that students live in a diverse community of 15 African nationalities.

African Colleges Fund

(Not tax-deductible)

The church in Africa is growing and they need trained teachers who have a deep love for Jesus Christ, and who are capable of understanding, teaching and preaching God’s Word. By supporting the GWC African Colleges Fund, GWC can support other Theological Colleges in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Egypt through offering bursaries to their students. In so doing GWC can partner with other African nations to pursue this vision:

‘That Africa be filled with preachers and teachers who deeply love the Lord Jesus and who have a profound understanding of Scripture, in order that Africa may increase her share in the Kingdom of God.’

To give to the GWC African Colleges Fund please click here.



Africa’s greatest need is not only for more Christians, but particularly for more disciples. While people come to the Lord across the continent in the thousands each day, the church has often been described as “a mile wide but an inch deep”. This is because the growth of the church has outpaced the capacity to train church leadership. The prosperity gospel has also becoming a major challenge in many churches in the continent.

African Enterprise is committed to helping train Godly leadership, equipping church ministers to be faithful to the Gospel, and has been doing this for many years.

The depth of theological training in Africa is lacking. Many Christian leaders cannot afford the time and money for full time theological training or accessing theological modules. There is an absence of and a need for high quality, short term and low cost theological training.

Pastor Training Course is a Bible training initiative. It was developed by Moore College with the purpose of equipping men and women with the knowledge to be preachers and teachers in their local context. In Africa, providing effective, high quality, short term and low cost theological training is critical for the building up of the church. Through PTC, African Enterprise can work toward achieving our mission:

To evangelise the cities of Africa through word and deed in partnership with the Church.

In November 2016, 70 pastors graduated from the PTC course in Nairobi, Kenya. Through your support in prayer and finance, you are equipping many more to teach of the saving power of Jesus. In God’s strength, many will be able to do the same.

To give to the Pastor Training Course please click here.

*Formerly known as the Preliminary Theological Certificate Training in Africa

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